All you need to know about house rendering
If you are considering upgrading the exterior of your house, rendering might be the perfect solution for you. It provides a beautiful finish as well as offering practical application and long lasting strength, even benefiting the structure of the house with the protective coat of render.
But unless you’re educated in the field, all the various terms might seem overwhelming, and you might ask yourself where to start? Today we are going over a list of the most important parts of rendering you should know about, before deciding if this task is something you want to tackle yourself, or prefer leaving to the professionals with their years of experience and quality tools.
Different types of house rendering
- Cement / sand
This is one of the most common types, and also among the cheaper options on this list. It is normal for this type of rendering to be applied in two coats, to ensure maximum insulation and coverage. It is possible to paint on this material, so you can easily keep the exterior looking fresh and pretty.
- Pebble dash / roughcast
Not the most popular type of plaster material in the UK, but if you’ve ever visited Scotland or rural parts of Ireland, you will surely have seen this type of exterior. The mix is a blend of various materials, such as lime, pebbles or seashells, gravel and potentially also cement and sand. This provides a coarse and rough finish with a unique look.
- Acrylics
Acrylic render is a more modern blend, often available in precolored mixes. In general we tend to coat the final layer of our houses in the UK with acrylics, and use another layer, such as cement, underneath.
- Lime
Like cement and sand render, lime render is another of the older types available on the market. In recent years we have seen a renewed interest for the stylish texture and high-end look it provides. Some properties are best suited for this type of render, since lime render can help eliminate damp problems, because of the breathable properties of the coat.
- Silicone
In our modern world, silicone is used for many things. Including house rendering. This has quickly become one of the most used types of render in the UK since its inception. It is low on maintenance, due to the properties of the mix that work well with rainwater to wash away any dirt that accumulates on the surface. The smooth finish is also appealing for many modern property owners, even if the silicone render tends to be more pricey than the alternatives.
How much does it cost to render or re-render a house?
It will depend in part on the type of house rendering you opt for, but we can mention that cement and sand rendering usually is the cheapest option at around £70 per m2, while still providing excellent results.
For house rendering prices, an external wall insulation can be pricier, ranging from around £140-160 per m2. These prices include both labor as well as materials, so they are roughly the final price you as a consumer can expect to pay per square meter.
So in order to find out how much to re render a house, you can calculate your square meter surface areas from the house, and multiply with the quoted value. If you are in doubt, we can always assist with measuring and evaluating the potential property in question.
One other thing to note, is the potential cost of hiring scaffolding, if you are planning to be rendering a full house with two or more stories. This expense is not included in the previously mentioned prices, so keep that in mind.
Do I need planning permission to render my house?
In most cases you are free to render, or re render your house as you wish, provided that you opt to go for building materials resembling the ones already used on your house. In other words, as long as you don’t overdo it with the design and material choice, you should be fine.
Remove render from house
In order to re render a house, it will often be necessary to remove the old render from your house or property. This can be a relatively straight forward or somewhat time consuming task depending on whether you leave it to professionals, or try your hand at it yourself.
For rendering on existing walls, it is necessary to apply palm grease and manual labor in order to remove it. Using basic hand tools like a scraper, a chisel and similar items will provide good results, without putting the integrity of the construction in jeopardy.
For spills on other surfaces, it is possible to scrape that as well, or use various chemical solutions bought at a hardware store or market. Depending on the surface in question, either option can be a good choice.
Modern rendered house
Many modern new house constructions are designed with a rendered surface. This timeless look is easy to maintain, provides a beautiful and neat finish, but also helps preserve the house from wear and tear.
It is also possible to choose between different house rendering colours, and many types of rendering also helps insulate the property, lowering the heating and energy bills in the long run.
For modern upgrades to existing houses, we have mentioned a few extremely popular options as well:
Rendered semi detached house
Rendered extension on brick house
Rendered porch on brick house
The common denominator for these projects are the ease of which you can apply the render and achieve a beautiful finish that ties nicely in with the existing walls and structure of the house.
Does rendering a house add value?
In most cases the answer is yes, if the render is relatively new. If the render is looking crisp and clean, any potential buyer will definitely appreciate the effort, and if you or your estate agent play your cards right, it might mean a higher value and or valuation, depending on your situation.
Since a rendered exterior not only looks great, and is low maintenance, but also provides an added layer of insulation, it can help lower the amount of energy needed to heat the house, creating a more attractive looking monthly energy bill.
Maintaining the render
While the effort to maintain a fully rendered, or even a half brick half rendered house exterior is on the lower end of the scale, you can’t avoid it completely. Cracks larger than one millimeter should be attended to by professionals, in order for them to investigate the root cause of the issue, as cracks can form for a variety of reasons, some more critical than others.
Tiny and miniscule cracks can be repaired by yourself relatively easily, by applying specific products that are designed for this type of repair, and you should be able to find these products in most hardware stores or marketplaces